Alexander H. PITMAN
Reg. No.425
Rank: Det. Sergeant
Cause of Death: Murdered
On the 28th of April 1926, Detective Sergeant Pitman and Detective Inspector Walsh, were attached to the Gold Stealing Squad investigating unlawful processing of gold south of Kalgoorlie.
During their patrols, they came across Phillip John Treffene and William Charles
Coulter, illegally processing gold in the bush, on approaching the men, both
police officers were shot dead.
In an attempt to dispose of the bodies, both police officers were mutilated and
partially burned before being discarded down a disused mine shaft.
An extensive police search began with the assistance of local trackers and on 12th
of May 1926, their charred and dismembered bodies were found in the disused
mine shaft at Millers Find, nearly 10 kilometres south-west of Kalgoorlie.
Treffene and Coulter were later found guilty of the murders, they were hanged together at Fremantle Prison in 1927.
Detective Sergeant Pitman was given a Police funeral with full honours.