Reg. No.
Rank: Constable
Cause of Death: Drowned
On the 19th of July 1893, Constable Bosville, along with other officers, were instructed to board the SS Cloncurry that was anchored three quarters of a mile off Fremantle jetty, to arrest a man called Hart, the party left Fremantle jetty onboard a cutter.
After arresting Hart, they all made the return trip in a dinghy that they exchanged for the cutter.
During the return, the boat began to take on water over the gunwale, so it was decided due to the conditions, to head for a ship berthed alongside the jetty instead of the usual landing place at the Fremantle South Jetty.
Just as they reached the ship called Barque Ernestine, the dinghy began to sink, Constable Bosville was wearing a heavy tightly buttoned coat, went overboard and disappeared in the water.
Although every effort was made to save him, his body was found the next morning on South Beach.
Constable Bosville left behind a wife and one child.